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1st Show

(9:50 a.m – 10:55 a.m.)

Latin American Spectacular (k-12)

2nd Show

(11:15 a.m – 12:20 p.m.)

Bailando España with Tablao Flamenco (6-12)

Reservation System

You may place your tentative Reservation now.
We understand that this might be subject to school appproval.
You may cancel up to two weeks prior the show date

Tickets guideline

  • One Complimentary ticket per 15 paid students for Teachers and/or Chaperons only.
  • You will receive an electronic group admission ticket via email, and study guides are available to download from our website. download here
  • Full payment must be received by check or money order no later than three weeks before the date of the performance.
  • Payment cannot be accepted at the door on the day of the show.
  • Any changes to your reservation must be made at least three weeks before the date of the performance.
  • Please include your reservation number on your check.

Make Checks Payable to: 

Arts & Dance Company 220 71st Street, Suite 209 P.O. Box 415089 Miami Beach, FL 33141

Shows Guideline

  • All performances start at 9:50am & 11:15am (unless specified otherwise).
  • Unless you are informed differently, all shows run 1 hour and 5 minutes.
  • Private performances can be arranged, provided they are booked sufficiently in advance.
  • Taking pictures without a flash is permitted during the performance.
  • No video or audio recording devices are permitted, unless previously arranged and approved by the Director.

Refunds Policy
No refunds for absent students

Arts & Dance Company retains full, unfettered discretion to allow, or deny, refund requests depending upon individual cases, or extenuating circumstances. If the company cancels a performance, or a teacher cancels 30 days or more in advance, then and only then will a 100% refund be granted. District decisions resulting in a schools inability to attend will result in a 50% partial refund and a 50% credit toward the following season. Weather related incidents that prohibit a school from attending will be provided a 100% credit toward the following season. A 50% partial refund may be considered for a cancellation by the schools administration, or a teacher emergency, within 30 days of a performance. Our director will make the final decision on any and all refunds.

*Please note: there are no refunds for individual students who decide to cancel.

Our Promise is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

© All rights reserved. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services by calling toll free 800-435-7352 within the State. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.

Arts & Dance Company 2018

TEST Hispanic Flamenco Ballet Ensemble Inc d/b/a Arts & Dance Company a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Contributions to Hispanic Flamenco Ballet are tax deductible in conformance with IRS Standards.

covid-19 header

The health and safety of our artists, students, and teachers is our top priority. We all know this is a critical moment in our world, with new developments unfolding daily with respect to the COVID-19 virus.

The backbone of Hispanic Flamenco Ballet is our performing group of dancers and musicians. Due to the escalation of the pandemic, and after careful consideration, we have decided to postpone the Spring 2020 tour and send our artists and office employees home so they can be with their families and loved ones.

The economic impact caused this novel virus is yet to be determined. The cost of organizing an entire tour, reserving theatres, and covering travel expenses of artists is a significant investment. 

Despite that, we want you to know we can offer a 100% refund credit towards the upcoming tour. You can reach us at any time, but please note we are working with minimal office staff, from our home offices.

We are all in this together, joining forces against an invisible enemy. Thank you for your solidarity, patience and understanding. Hispanic Flamenco Ballet promises to keep you posted as new information becomes available.

Stay healthy and safe.

Jorge Ceron
Founder, Managing Director